Interior Design Portfolio

Potter Street

Potter Street was a minuscule studio apartment in a classically-unkempt apartment building, and was my creative sanctuary for six months. It gave me the opportunity to experiment, to constantly change up my ideas, and to play with my imagination and inspirations, heedless of how tiny my space was.

The Kalamazoo Fashion House

January 2023
At the request of the owners, I managed a complete re-imagination of the Kalamazoo Fashion House through the month of January 2023. The endeavor involved aspects of project management, working toward the vision of a client, and creating an accessible, photography-friendly, and interactive space for the existing vintage shop.

The Cave of Stars

The Cave of Stars, my bedroom in Burdick House, was a room I initially hated so much I thought I would move out of the apartment the second my lease was up: and yet with a vision, two coats of paint, and some white chalk, I was able to transform the space into a sanctuary that cradles me to sleep each night.

Burdick House

Burdick House, specifically the living room, has been a playground of interior decoration for me. It’s in a constant state of evolution and improvement: here’s a few snapshots from various stages of its evolution.

Tipperary Tree-House

The room I lived in throughout the early years of the COVID pandemic was barely big enough to contain all of my art and ideas, and was my first foray into making a space feel like mine.

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